Do we believe we can reach the world? Of course, we know Seventh-day Adventists can be found all around the globe, but do we think that our little district can make an impact on people on the other side of the planet? The truth is, we can. Starting with blog posts, our little website can start making an impact on anyone who has access to the internet. Perhaps we can get to the point where we are recording and sharing videos on our website as well. I've worked with organizations like Adventist Learning Center and The Haystack, and I've even guest written for Barely Adventist (a popular satire site). These entities are reaching thousands on a daily basis with the content they put out. We, as a humble district of churches in southeast Wisconsin, can do that as well. Of course, our first priority is local ministry. But why wouldn't we want to take that local ministry and project it to whoever is willing to listen? We're called to make disciples of all nations, not just our local community (although the local community is definitely a good place to start!).
We can reach the world for the glory of God and this website is just one of the first steps. If you are interested in contributing a blog post in the form of a personal testimony, a short study, poem, or song you've written, let me know. I would love to see people from all over our district contributing to the content that can be found here.
This website not only gives us the ability to project our ministry to the world, but it also has the ability to make our world, our state, our district seem much smaller. I have included an event calendar for the district, as well as for pertinent Wisconsin Conference events. This way, even if we are worshipping in different churches, we can still all be in the know as to what is going on in the district. If you do not see your event on the calendar, please contact me and I will get it up as soon as possible. Also, if you are reading this in December 2017, keep in mind that this calendar more or less starts in 2018, so that's where you'll really start to see the calendar fill up with events.
Our district can do big things. Big things in church, big things in the community, and big things around the globe. As we move forward with this website and with our church ministries, it is my prayer that we can bring God glory and allow Him to work through us in a powerful way.
Will you join me in these efforts and in this prayer?
-Pastor Zachary Payne